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top local real estate agent to help you buy or sell a home.
- Bob Sparks - Real
Estate 1
- Real Estate for sale in Redding, California and the
surrounding areas of Shasta and Tehama counties.
- Kalin Maple
- Coldwell Banker C&C Properties
- Specializing in Redding real estate, Palo Cedro, Anderson,
Cottonwood, Millville, Happy Valley, and more.
- Rick Goates -
Atlantis Realty
- Redding, Palo Cedro and Bella Vista California real
estate listings, home buying, selling.
- Jack McAuliffe
- Debbie Morton
- Real Estate Professionals, Ltd.
- Diane Abair-
Realty Executives
- Douglas Juenke -
For Sale By Owner Realty
- Denise
Cronic - Coldwell Banker
- Susan
Grant - Coldwell Banker